Churwell Primary School

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Westwoodside, Leeds, West Yorkshire, LS27 9HR

01132 527437

Churwell Primary School

Learn, Aspire, Achieve

Staff at Churwell Primary School 

Headteacher: Mrs R Barson

Deputy Headteacher: Mrs C Oakley (EYFS Leader)  and Mrs N Seedhouse (Year 3,4 and 5 Leader) 

Leadership Team:  Miss N Porter KS1 Leader,  Mrs L Slater Year 6 and Transition Lead and Mrs C Forsyth  Inclusion/SENCO 


Mrs E Heaton 


Mrs L Hirst

Mrs N Pearson 



Year 1

Miss N Porter 

Mrs H Ames 

Mrs D Young 


Year 2

Mrs C Armitage 

Mrs A Holdsworth

Mrs Dearden (Maternity Leave) 



Year 3

Miss V McPhail (Maternity Leave) 

Mrs G Cooper

Miss L Riley 







Year 4

Mrs J Tingle 

Mr J Strudwick 


Year 5

Mrs H Labourn

Mr L Cooper 

Mrs L Alvarez 


Year 6

Mrs L Slater 

Mr M O'Reily 




Mrs K Pullan 


PPA Cover

Mrs K Pullan 

Mrs H Slater 



Mrs G Stead

Mrs D Sheard 

Learning Mentors

Mrs J Tindale

Mrs J Hutchinson


Inclusion Support

Mrs A Horsfall

Mr L Bibb


Learning Support Assistants


Mrs S Phillips 

Mrs J Sweeney

Mrs K Pickering 

Mrs R Chadwick

Mrs J Metcalfe

Mrs C Dilworth-Parrott

Mrs P Kumari

Miss C Hornby 

Mrs S Tsang 

Mrs R Taylor 

Mrs J Quinn

Mrs N Britton 

Mrs S Jamil 

Miss P Leung 



Office Team 

Mrs J Burnill - Business Manager

Mrs L Fitzgerald

Mrs J Nelson


Site Manager  

Mrs D Wormald


Lunchtime Supervisors

Mrs B Goodwin

Mrs S Williamson

Miss C Hornby

Mrs J Sweeny

Mrs C Dilworth-Parrot 

Mrs R Gupta

Sports Coaches from PE Partner 


Sports Coach (PE Partner)

Mr J Rowley  



Before and After School Manager

Mrs J Noble 


Mrs J Nelson 

Mrs L Brooke

Mr L Bibb

Mrs S Dawson 

Mrs S Jamil

Miss P Leung