Churwell Primary School

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0113 3200 750 if you have any queries.

Westwoodside, Leeds, West Yorkshire, LS27 9HR

01132 527437

Churwell Primary School

Learn, Aspire, Achieve

Contact Us


Our Administration Team are Mrs Burnill, Mrs Fitzgerald and Mrs J Nelson.

They can be contacted between 8.30am and 4.00pm - Monday to Friday.

You can leave an answer phone message after 4.00pm.

You can also email the school office for any questions or queries. Our office team will answer these or pass them on to the relevant member of staff. 


If you wish to report a child's absence then there is an option to leave a message or to speak to our Learning Mentors. You can also do this via the Parentmail app. You must ensure that you let us know about any absence.      

Our SENCO is: Mrs Forsyth. For information on SEND and how to contact Mrs Forsyth-  please click here                                                                                                                                                                                                        

Telephone: 0113 2527437



Our school address is:

Churwell Primary School
Westwood Side

LS27 9HR

Click here for Google maps and enter our postcode - LS27 9HR.


Other useful contacts:


The Family Information Service - Is an information service for parents and carers of children and young people aged 0-19 (or up to 25 if your child has a disability). They can provide information on a wide range of family services including childcare, family support and activities. Free Phone: 0800 731 0640 or Tel 0113 2474386

Visit them now at


Admissions Team pupil admissions and transfers

0113 222 4414 


School Transport bus passes, special needs transport

0113 348 1122 


Lettings hiring school premises

0113 247 5598


Customer Relations Customer Services issues

0113 247 5688


Helpline for Parents behaviour, attendance and bullying issues

0113 395 1177


Parent Partnership Service SEN parental concerns/support

0113 395 1200


Student Support grants, awards

0113 247 5326


Leeds Careers Guidance general enquiries

0113 225 9000


Benefits Helpline free school meals, clothing grants

0113 247 7247


Leeds City Council general enquiries

0113 222 4414